Introduction to Cassandra Database - CQL

Query for Creating a Keyspace using CQL

CREATE KEYSPACE Keyspace name WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3};

Query for Viewing all KeySpaces

cqlsh:vit> describe keyspaces;
cycling        system_auth  vit                 system_traces
system_schema  system       system_distributed

Query for Altering a Keyspace in Cassandra

  cqlsh:university> alter keyspace university with replication={'class':'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor':2};

Query for Dropping a Keyspace by name vit


Query for Creating a Table in Cassandra

cqlsh:university> create table employee(id int primary key,name text,address text,sal varint);

Query for Adding a Column to a Table by name phone of type int

cqlsh:university>alter table employee add phone int;

Query for Inserting Data into the employee Table

cqlsh:university> insert into employee (id,name,address,sal) values (1,'satish','vellore',10000);

Query for Selecting Data from a Table

cqlsh:university> select * from employee;
id | address | name   | sal
  1 | vellore | satish | 10000
  2 | chennai |    ram |  8999

Query for Selecting Data using Where Clause in CQL

cqlsh:university> select * from employee where id=2;
id | address | name | sal
  2 | chennai |  ram | 8999

Query for Select data using where clause from a column which is not a primary key

cqlsh:university> select * from employee where address='chennai' allow filtering;

Query demonstrating the use of And operator in the CQL query

cqlsh:university> select * from employee where address='chennai' and name='satish' allow filtering;

Query for updating data in the employee table using CQL

cqlsh:university> update employee set address='chennai' where id=1;

Query for Updating Multiple Columns in Single Query

  cqlsh:university> update employee set address='us',name='ram' where id=1;

Query for Creating an Index on Salary Column in the employee table

cqlsh:university> create index  sal_index on employee(sal);
//you can query on a column defined with an index without using allow filtering
//as shown below 
cqlsh:university> select * from employee where sal=10000;

 id | address | name   | sal
 1 | vellore | satish | 10000

Query for Dropping an Index using CQL

cqlsh:university> Drop index index_sal;

Query for viewing the index created on a table

cqlsh:university> SELECT index_sal FROM system.schema_columns WHERE keyspace_name='vit' AND columnfamily_name='employee';

Query for Deleting a row from the Employee table

cqlsh:university> delete from employee where id=2;
cqlsh:university> select * from employee;

 id | address | name   | sal
 1 | vellore | satish | 10000

Queries for Deleting all rows from a table using CQL

cqlsh:university> truncate student;

Query for viewing all tables in CQL

cqlsh:university> describe tables;

Query for Dropping a Table

cqlsh:university> drop table employee;

Query for Performing left join between employee and department table

  MariaDB [satish]> select eid,name,dname from employee left join department on dep_id=did;
| eid | name   | dname |
| 121 | Satish | SCOPE |
| 122 | Mathew | NULL  |
2 rows in set (0.040 sec)

Query for Performing Right Join between employee and the department table

MariaDB [satish]> select eid,name,dname from employee right join department on
      -> dep_id=did;
| eid  | name   | dname |
| 121  | Satish | SCOPE |
| NULL | NULL   | SITE  |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

Query for Performing Cross join between employee and the department table

MariaDB [satish]> select * from employee cross join department;;
| eid | name   | phone  | salary | joindate   | address | dep_id | did | dname |
| 121 | Satish | 878877 |   7000 | 1992-01-21 | vellore |    424 | 424 | SCOPE |
| 122 | Mathew | 767766 |   3000 | NULL       | vellore |   NULL | 424 | SCOPE |
| 121 | Satish | 878877 |   7000 | 1992-01-21 | vellore |    424 | 425 | SITE  |
| 122 | Mathew | 767766 |   3000 | NULL       | vellore |   NULL | 425 | SITE  |
4 rows in set (0.001 sec)

Query for Finding sum of salary for all employees

MariaDB [satish]> select sum(salary) from employee;
| sum(salary) |
|       70000 |
1 row in set (0.060 sec)

Query for Finding average salary for all employees

MariaDB [satish]> select avg(salary) from employee;
  | avg(salary) |
  |  17500.0000 |
  1 row in set (0.000 sec)

Query for Finding the minimum salary from the employee table

MariaDB [satish]> select min(salary) from employee;
| min(salary) |
|        3000 |
1 row in set (0.172 sec)

Query for Finding the maximum salary from the employee table

MariaDB [satish]> select max(salary) from employee
| max(salary) |
|       50000 |
1 row in set (0.001 se)

Query for finding the count of employees in the table

MariaDB [satish]> select count(salary) from employee;
| count(salary) |
|             4 |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)

Query for using between operator

MariaDB [satish]> select eid,name from employee where salary between 1000 and 10000;
| eid | name   |
| 121 | Satish |
| 122 | Mathew |
| 124 | Chris  |
3 rows in set (0.060

Query for Finding the total salary for employees grouped by address

MariaDB [satish]> select address,sum(salary) from employee group by address;
| address | sum(salary) |
| mumbai  |       60000 |
| vellore |       10000 |
2 rows in set (0.018 sec)

Finding the sum of salary for employees grouped by address and filtering only sum of salary that is greater than 10000 rupees using the having clause

MariaDB [satish]> select address,sum(salary) from employee group by address having sum(salary)>10000;
| address | sum(salary) |
| mumbai  |       60000 |
1 row in set (0.100 sec)

Query for demonstrating the use of order by clause in ordering groups in the ascending order

MariaDB [satish]> select address,sum(salary) from employee group by address order by sum(salary);
| address | sum(salary) |
| vellore |       10000 |
| mumbai  |       60000 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

Query for Ordering the groups in the descending order using order by clause

MariaDB [satish]> select address,sum(salary) from employee group by address order by sum(salary) desc;
| address | sum(salary) |
| mumbai  |       60000 |
| vellore |       10000 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)