SQL Sub-Queries- Tutorial using Oracle

Create an employee table with the following records

SQL> select * From employee;

        ID NAME                 DESIGNATION              SALARY     DEP_NO
---------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------
       111 rahul                Associate                 10000        421
       112 ram                  Associate                 40000        421
       113 tom                  Assistant                  5000        422
       114 jeff                 Assistant                  2000        422
       115 mohan                professor                 50000        422
       116 venkat               professor                 70000        422

6 rows selected.

Create a Department Table with the following records

SQL> select * from department;

       DNO DNAME
---------- ----------
       421 research
       422 sbst

Create a project table with the following records

SQL> select * from project;

       PID      DEPNO
---------- ----------
         1        421
         2        422

Get the details of employees who get a salary greater than the salary of tom

SQL> select id,name,salary from employee where salary > (select salary from employee where name='tom');

        ID NAME                     SALARY
---------- -------------------- ----------
       111 rahul                     10000
       112 ram                       40000
       115 mohan                     50000
       116 venkat                    70000

Find all the employees who are getting the minimum salary from the employee table

SQL> select id,name,salary from employee where salary = (select min(salary) from employee);

        ID NAME                     SALARY
---------- -------------------- ----------
       114 jeff                       2000

select id name and salary for employees who are working for a department that is not present in the department table

SQL> select id,name,salary from employee where dep_no not in (select dno from department);

        ID NAME                     SALARY
---------- -------------------- ----------
       118 chris                     85000
       117 mathew                    90000

select id name and salary for employees who are working for a department that is present in the department table

SQL> select id,name,salary from employee where dep_no in (select dno from department);

        ID NAME                     SALARY
---------- -------------------- ----------
       111 rahul                     10000
       112 ram                       40000
       113 tom                        5000
       114 jeff                       2000
       115 mohan                     50000
       116 venkat                    70000

6 rows selected.

Display employees who work for a department that has a project

SQL> select id,name,dep_no from employee where dep_no in (Select dno from department where dno in (select depno from project));

        ID NAME                     DEP_NO
---------- -------------------- ----------
       111 rahul                       421
       112 ram                         421
       113 tom                         422
       114 jeff                        422
       115 mohan                       422
       116 venkat                      422

6 rows selected.

Fetch all employees whose salary is greater than all employees of department 421

SQL> select id,name,salary from employee where salary > all (select salary from employee where dep_no=421);

        ID NAME                     SALARY
---------- -------------------- ----------
       115 mohan                     50000
       116 venkat                    70000
       118 chris                     85000
       117 mathew                    90000

Fetch all employees whose salary is greater than any employees of department 421

SQL> select id,name,salary from employee where salary > any (select salary from employee where dep_no=421);

        ID NAME                     SALARY
---------- -------------------- ----------
       117 mathew                    90000
       118 chris                     85000
       116 venkat                    70000
       115 mohan                     50000
       112 ram                       40000

Display the employee id and name of the employee who is getting the highest salary in the department by name research

SQL> select id,name from employee where salary = (select max(salary) from employee,department where dep_no = dno and dname='research' group by dname);

        ID NAME
---------- --------------------
       112 ram