Code for Matching a string in the text using preg_match function
#preg_match function for matching patterns
$pattern ="/satish/";
echo preg_match($pattern,"this is written by satish");
//returns 1 if a match is found or else returns 0
Output is 1
Code for Matching a string in the text using preg_match_all function
#preg_match function for matching patterns
$pattern ="/satish/";
echo preg_match_all($pattern,"this is written by satish so the author is satish",$matches);
#returns the number of occurrences or else returns 0.
#$matches is used for populating an array containing the matches
Output is 2
Code for demonstrating the use of preg_replace function
#preg_replace function for matching patterns
$pattern ="/Satish/";
echo preg_replace($pattern,"Ramesh","Satish is teaching good");
#returns the String after the replace
#if no match found then returns the string
Output- Ramesh is teaching good
check if the string starts with S, M or R and is followed by atish ,Satish, Matish or Ratish is accepted.
$pattern = "/[SMR]atish/";
if(preg_match($pattern,"Satish is a bad teacher"))
echo "pattern found";
echo "Pattern not found";
we can also use this
$pattern = "/Matish|Satish|Ratish";
if(preg_match($pattern,"We understand Matish is a bad teacher"))
echo "pattern found";
echo "Pattern not found";
Code to demonstrate word boundary
$pattern = "/day\b/";
if(preg_match($pattern,"it is what we do during daytime"))
echo "Match is found";
echo "Match is not found";
Output - match is found
Code for checking if a pattern occurs in the starting of the word
$pattern = "/\bday/";
if(preg_match($pattern,"it is what we do every daytime"))
echo "Match is found";
echo "Match is not found";
Output- match is found
Code to check if a username starts with a digit [0-9].Alert if it starts with a digit
$pattern = "/^[^0-9][A-Za-z]+/";
echo "Username is fine";
echo "Username should not start with a digit";
Code to check if username contains spaces. If it contains spaces then alert spaces not allowed
$pattern = "/\s/";
echo "Username should not contain spaces";
echo "Username is fine";
Ensure Username should start with a character and should be 8 digits minimum in length
Username should not contain any spaces using PHP regular expressions
$pattern = "/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]{7,}[^\s]/";
echo "Username is fine";
echo "Username is not matching the criteria";
Code to check if registration number matches the pattern ddBCEdddd
$pattern = "/\d\dBCE\d\d\d\d/";
echo "Registration Number is fine";
echo "Registration number is not matching the criteria";
Code for password validation in PHP using Regular Expressions
$pattern = "/(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\W).{8,}/";
echo "Password is Good";
echo "Password is not matching the criteria";